Roots and Flow


*Kitchen Operations: management of daily operations/projects, inventory, scheduling, menu development, quality control and training*** supporting organic, vegetarian, local and sustainable(15yrs)

*Private Chef Services: providing vegetarian, vegan and raw cuisine menus, preparation and presentation for individuals, small businesses and community gatherings(home, office, retreats ,festivals) (9yrs)

*Raw Vegan Food Preparation Interactive Workshop: 3 to 5 course Raw Vegan Cuisine workshop. Instruction and practice of food preparation using sustainable, seasonal organic, locally sourced ingredients for high nutrient dense and delicious natural dining experiences. Expansive interaction, dialogue and demonstrations focusing on the 5 Senses/Tastes, transposing ingredients and raw/cooked food ratios for optimum satisfaction, encouragement of improved digestion and self regulation of ones daily diet. (10yrs)

*Women Studies- creation and facilitation of women’s individual and group studies, discussions and activities. Supporting education for local and global compassion and positive change for woman and the female principles of body, speech and mind. Co-creating, supporting and sustaining environments of compassionate communication, deep listening in connection with our intuition and deep knowing. Reconnecting our essence (biological connection) with the earth. Listening to our inner nature while living and honoring our earth mother, matter from, the human female body, the Divine Mother/Goddess vibration.  We explore, motivate and co-create tools and practices for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual nourishment. Perpetuating personal well-being for earth mother, woman and all our relations. (22yrs)


Council member and High Priestess of the Desert Moon Circle, Las Vegas, 11yrs
Vegas Vortex Fire Circle Technology Adept, 15yrs training
Board and Sangha member of the Lohan Spritual Cultural Center 5yrs
Altared Space devotee, training with Dr. Loribeth Stargrove, Dr. Mitchell Stargrove and Nicky Scully 8yrs

Thank you for sharing this page’s passages with me. It is developing into a resource of services to improve and promote healthful body practices with strong emotional and psychological nourishment. More information and relevant links connecting services for Women Studies, local organic sustainable plant based food preparation and living methods, Qigong and Sangha practices, recycling opportunities, desert water reclamation awareness, sacred expressions of water ceremony, intentional gardening, spa creations, recipe creation, sacred salts and more…are coming soon.

For more information or a consultation:

All photos by Areeya

Supporting Links for exploration and experience…






Madre del Mundo Sculpture by Marcia Gomez at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality Dedicated to Sekhmet

In our shining world, we have so many sweet passages, so many adventurous avenues to live our stories in the cloth of life… What are some of the many, arts of sanctuary, we share in our foundation, the sacred roots and flow of how we live the song that is to be human?  Here are a few moments shared, practices and visions.  Love, for the mother root, the ancestors and the sweet flow of our waters, Love for ourselves, each other, the earth…

The first ingredient feeding our precious temples… love.

Hummm… Sweet and sassy rice noodle with seasoned fresh cucumber

Las Vegas, NV. USA

I say,” thank you”… Thank you to the plants and sweet waters that are my nourishment and sustenance… For my body,  the earths,  All our relations.

Jungle Faery Hobbit Trail
Jungle Faery Hobbit Trail 2015, Finca Fruicion

Fruition Center, 2015 Zeledon, Costa Rica

SunsetPlaya Hermosa de Osa 2015, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, All photos by Areeya

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