LunaSol Salutations

LunaSol Salutations is a sacred arts vehicle and expression of daily practices, meditations and co-creative projects around the world, perpetuating good will and sustainable compassionate communication in community and global collaboration. Working, playing and praying through sacred ceremony and song, the expressive arts, women/goddess study groups, sacred scent and kitchen management/preparation of prayerFull cuisine. Exploring and sharing the benefits of sacred scent, sound, color/light/art painting therapy and Qigong for self regulation and attunement with nature… Honoring the sweet experiment of living, sharing and perpetuating,”***The Arts of Sanctuary”,  ***” Those creative and sacred art expressions that offer the sanctuary of sustainable and compassionate, mindful living methods… body, speech and mind.”*** “that space, that place of all love and grace”. Welcoming in the new age of the Cultural Peace Alliances that offer appreciation to the infinite aspects of life, in mutual support, as a symbiotic peoples, living in concert as the elements of self in communion with our mother earth.


*Womens Study Groups(24yrs)

*Kitchen Operations(15yrs)

*Raw Vegan Food Preparation Interactive Workshops (10yrs)

*Private Chef Services(9yrs)

*Sacred Arts/Building Projects (15yrs)

*Operations and Project management (12yrs)

*Art Meditation and Paint Workshops(14yrs)

*Sacred Scent Creation(9yrs)

Thank yoU, for visiting these simple priestess passages through kitchens, temples, warehouses, gardens, offices, cities, jungles, deserts, mountains, rivers, oceans and so much more… witnessing, honoring, breathing, creating and sharing personal sustainable living practices with all our relations, from our highest visions with our highest potential…

For more information or a consultation contact:

Recent Posts

Earthsong 2021

Blessed be the gathering of like minds with elders in prayer. This year amidst mask friendly and harmonious spacing, we gathered to honor and praise our mother earth with many traditions. Infinite gratitude to the Shoshone Nation, Lakota Nation, Hawaiian Nation, Azteca Nation, Lohan Shaolin, Universal Unitarian Congregation, Desert Moon Circle, Three Treasure Qigong, European … Continue reading Earthsong 2021

You Choose How to Respond…What is being Responsible?

photo by areeya: Sacred Walkabout Glastonbury, CT. 9.6.17 Conn. River and Resevoir We get the grace and love every day in every way…through choice.  How we choose to be active, how we choose to respond to that which is within us and that which guides us…With each breath, each step, each expression in this life … Continue reading You Choose How to Respond…What is being Responsible?

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